Ludum Dare 48: Truck or Pupper
In April 2021, I participated in the 48th Ludum Dare game jam. The theme for this edition was “Deeper and deeper”, so natually, I made a game about machine learning. You can play it from the convenience of your browser, on

The idea is that you play as the sole, overworked data scientist in a start-up, and you need to balance the tasks of annotating new data and training the (deep, hence the theme) neural network that powers your company’s product.
The gameplay itself is an unapologetic Tetris rip-off, somehow combined with those Google captcha thingies we all hate to fill. It’s pure fun.
This was my first time using Godot, so I wanted to do something relatively straightforward. Even then, I struggled to finish the game on time, and it could certainly use some more balancing.
I did not score particularly great at the competition, although I did finish 41st in humor, and honestly that’s a total win for me.
Source code is available on GitHub.