
😈 Hexes for Peace #

Catch the Devil in a bottle
made of rocks and watch him toddle.
With the gems and incantation,
lord of flies here I shall summon!

Let him fuel our every magick
with satanic mathematicks.
Golems made of sand, awaken!
Light our hearths, night be forsaken!

And doubtless he'll want to escape:
he'll try to melt his prison gate.
Cool him down and watch him bubble
in his bath of pest and trouble.

Catch the Devil in a bottle,
let him warm up and then throttle.
Make sure you don't burn him fast or
no-one knows how long you'll last for.

If carelessly we set him free,
he'll burn our skin to third degree.
Dare to look him in the eyes and
you will beg for your demise.

He'll poison water in our wells
and plague the air with ashy spells,
becurse you to a life of sorrow
(if you're not dead by tomorrow).

Catch the Devil in a bottle,
triple check your magick model.
If we ever set him free then
cursed me and cursed thee.

🐸 A Handful of Frogs #

My mouth is home to a handful of frogs.
We co-exist as symbiotic complements:
they're sheltered from the elements
and I get to have my mouth full of frogs.

😱 By Night #

Soggy lips and toothy grin;
awake to blood and punctured skin.
You can't restrain the beast within
with soggy lips and toothy grin.

A hairy chase in cool, white night.
Careful that it shan't die of fright,
for once they pass they don't taste right
after a hairy chase by night.

Who dares disturb your peaceful rest
with crossed books and blessed quest?
By thousand devils you'll possess,
then may return to peaceful rest.

🛁 Bath Ducks #

I own too many bath ducks:
they cover the water, and when I'm in,
hide my body, as I tuck.

I still can't bear to see my skin.

🥀 moss #

sitting on my couch,
we were half drunk on sweet beer.
I spoke in this calloused voice
ploughing through words,
tryna find the ones that
will make love grow

but I had it backwards:
love did not need growing.
the ground was fertile and
the seeds abundant
love sprouted—moss on a grass lawn

your words are like winter now.
it's August but the phone is freezing
and my voice, trembling

once you told me you wished
some moments could be frozen in time
and lived through

I know what you meant now
but I also know
we don't have
the same
in mind


men pen

tired of writing like a woman?
can't help yourself dotting your i's
with little hearts?

men pen

are you trying to draw a dick but
it comes out like a flower?

men pen

worried that reading and writing poetry
will make you gay?

;) men pen ;)


🔢 Support Calculator #

this is my support calculator

one plus one equals too
much to deal with

solve for ex?
i think we

it's not
you it's me

🥵 Hot #


not sexy hot, but burning hot
his body like a flesh oven
wishing (praying) for cold
but he will not cool down
he's a broken thermostat

his moist apartment, moldy and littered
with bottles, now empty—for
he left long ago
first for the basement, and
then for snow

he could still eat but food
would burn on his tongue and
carbonize down his throat
his stomach was dry and
in lieu of digestion he would
breathe the ash in and
cough it out, a black cloud

he will not die—of course he won't.
the fire burns too hot and
his heart, that steam engine,
will. not. stop.
pumping lava down his arteries
with each beat, pulsing and scorching
up his arms
down his legs and
all the way to the tip of his head

when snow no longer sufficed
when it sublimed against
his naked body in
the dead of winter,
he headed north
for colder weather
then for colder water

teathered to a rock—
its smooth surface melting
to magma against his skin—
he threw himself off land
and into the arctic depths

there he remains, a hotspot volcano,
fizzing water into vapour
killing fish and changing the weather

there's no longer ice in the north pole
and soon no more water either
the air is misty like Venus'
and everything is dying

and at last
at very last


🥚 Something Most Wretched #

graceful egg
beautiful egg
painted white and blue
bejeweled by dew

caress your shell and cry,
knowing one day you'll die
when that something most wretched
from your entrails hatched

graceful egg
beautiful egg
I now must face the truth
for soon cometh the

😭 Thank you [crying emoji] #

Thank you [crying emoji]
My sentences are short, my words unkempt
I wish I could express what your compliment truly meant
To me

💧 Water Facts #

water facts!